Our Mission Statement

Believe Achieve, Succeed

Under Saint Joseph’s guardianship and protection, we will be supported to achieve and succeed in the things the Lord wants us to do.

Our Mission

As a Catholic Primary Academy, following guidance from the Catholic Education Service, our mission is to place ‘Christ at the Centre’ of all that we do. In order to achieve this we are committed to promoting:

  • The Search for Excellence
  • The Uniqueness of the Individual
  • The Education of the Whole Person
  • The Education of All
  • Moral Principles.

Our Aims

The fundamental aim of St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy is to enable each child to develop an awareness of his/her dignity and uniqueness as a human being, created in God’s image, out of love, and for love, and to look upon others in the same light.

  • St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy aims to promote high achievement and learning for life by working with pupils:
  • To deepen their knowledge, understanding and love of God and his creation.
  • To engender a spirit of independence and self-motivation, thus promoting self-esteem and to encourage personal responsibility for actions.
  • To provide for each child a wide, balanced curriculum of high quality, appropriate to individual needs and fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum.
  • To develop independent, enquiring minds and an enjoyment of learning.
  • To achieve the highest possible personal standards in all areas of the curriculum.

Promoting British Values

The British Values include:

  • Respect for law
  • Democracy
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Children at St. Joseph’s are encouraged to have a voice. Opportunities to vote for school and class representatives are available to the children and the opinions of all are valued and welcomed. The children are encouraged to understand the civic duty and responsibility associated with casting a vote.

These are all embedded through the teachings of the Gospels, which are woven through all aspects of the curriculum and school life. Respect for law and order begins as the children enter the school and respect themselves, each other, the property of the school, their place in it and that of the wider community.