Our school was last inspected by Ofsted in December 2019, when the school was judged to be continuing as a good school.

Findings from the report include:

  • St Joseph’s is a friendly and successful school.
  • Pupils enjoy school and are proud of their achievements.
  • Pupils behave well. They are kind and friendly to one another. There are very few bullying incidents.
  • Keeping pupils safe is the highest priority. Parents and carers show shared their views all agreed that their children feel safe at school.
  • Staff are always looking for ways to broaden pupils’ horizons. Pupils join lots of different clubs and many play musical instruments. Pupils enjoy exciting visits and taking part in national events and competitions.
  • Pupils do particularly well in reading, writing, mathematics and science.
  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive strong support.

You can read the full report below:

Ofsted Inspection Report – December 2019 

Parent View

You can now share your views on our school via Ofsted’s Parent View website. By sharing your views, Ofsted hopes you’ll be helping the school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about us.

Religious Inspection

Our last Religious (Diocesan Canonical) Inspection was in May 2024, when we were judged to be an good Catholic school.

Some of the key findings of the report include:

  • All members of the community fully embrace the Catholic identity of the school, and
    enthusiastically participate in implementing its mission statement on a daily basis.
    • Leaders and governors are highly ambitious in ensuring the very best Catholic education for
    all pupils; they are ably supported by a united staff team.
    • Teachers demonstrate a deep understanding of the importance of religious education, and the
    impact it has on the moral and spiritual development of pupils.
    • The school’s provision for Collective Worship is a beacon of excellent practice.
    • Prayer and Liturgy is at the heart of the school, carefully structured to ensure that all encounter Christ in a variety of opportunities

FINAL CSI Report St Joseph’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, Market