The Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
St Joseph’s PTFA raises money via school fundraisers to contribute to those big extras like the improvements to the school hall, the refurbishment of the IT suite, new computer equipment, the back garden refurb, and the little extras that can make a school a bit special, be it an interactive whiteboard or a school trip to the Panto or fun science day.
Helping at our fundraising events helps PTFA members get to know your kid’s teachers and support staff better and understand the way the school works.
Being part of it helps you get to know other parents and their children. This is important for school matters but also great for a more active social life!
By joining us you have the chance to promote and enhance your school’s standing within your local community and become part of the wider parish community.
Although occasionally embarrassed, most children do actually like to know that you are there for them, taking an interest and sharing their experience.
The commitment really is not as much as you think. The occasional evening meeting and the odd fundraising event.
Everyone has different talents and skills they can bring to the school and parents are a great interface between the school and the ‘outside world’.
You can help to make a difference. It’s fun and fulfilling and gives a wonderful sense of achievement.
It’s time you got involved!
We have fantastic children at St. Joseph’s who are keen to participate fully in the life of the school.
To find out more about the PTFA, please contact the school office.