Welcome to Year 1.

Welcome to Year 1! In Year 1, we foster a love of learning, show extraordinary enthusiasm and express bundles of kindness. We strive to be resilient learners, always trying our best, whilst having a smile on our faces!  

Year 1 is the next step in your child’s learning journey at St. Joseph’s. Our vibrant and inviting classroom ensures that the excitement of learning stays with your child as their curriculum becomes more structured. 

Year 1 continues the strongly embedded phonics programmes started in the EYFS and utilises book corners and reading areas to encourage a passion and love of reading in your child. 

Throughout the year, we are historians, learning about life in the 1950s and our school and locality, both now and in the past. We are geographers, learning about the features of our capital city, London. We are scientists, investigating different materials, senses and the four seasons. We are artists, mixing primary colours and producing portraits. We are writers, learning to use punctuation and write a range of stories. We are mathematicians, becoming confident with numbers, shapes and measures. We are also performers, producing the Nativity with the Year 2 children at Christmas time.  

Our Learning

To find out more about the subjects we teach, please click on the subject tab.

There is some information for parents about learning in the first term here:


Year 1 Curriculum Outline Advent Term (1)