Welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 is the start of the children’s journey into KS2. We aim to provide a positive and stimulating learning environment where the children are encouraged and guided to develop their independence and fulfil their potential.  

Within our topics, we offer the children a knowledge rich curriculum which enables them to know more and remember more, whilst also being engaging and exciting. We teach our topics alongside Year 4 on a 2 cycle basis. This means the following topics will be covered in either Year 3 or 4. Cycle A began in 2022/23 which include Invasion (which is all about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings invading Britain), Misty Mountain, Winding River (Geography based topic) and Ancient Civilizations (where the children will learn about Ancient Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley civilizations). Cycle B began in 2023/24 which includes topics such as: Through the Ages (which is about prehistoric Britain through to the Iron Age), Rocks, relics and Rumbles (which is all about Earthquakes and Volcanoes) and Emperors and Empires (which is about the Roman Empire).

Year 3 is a special year for the children as they prepare for their Holy Communion. It is a time for celebration, and we work together with parents and the Parish to prepare for these exciting steps in your child’s faith. We also join with Year 4 to put on a production of the Easter story.  

Our Learning

To find out more about the subjects we teach, please click on the subject tabs.

There is some information for parents about the learning in the first term here:

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Advent Term (1)