Curriculum Intent for Geography
In geography, children are given the opportunity to develop an understanding of the world we live in, and our place within it. Children study a range of places, people and environments, using skills which develop their geographical enquiry and knowledge. Children are given skills which can be transferred to everyday life.
Children are challenged to know more and remember more, right from an early age. They are given the knowledge to succeed in schooling and adult life.
Geography Implementation
We use Cornerstones topics to meet all aspects of the National Curriculum. Key geographical knowledge and skills that children acquire have been carefully planned to ensure progression is evident across all year groups, with Lower Key Stage 2 classes and Upper Key Stage 2 classes working together, sharing knowledge and resources. Children are given the opportunity to develop their enquiry skills, use maps (for routes and place location), geographical knowledge, the skills to collect and analyse data and the ability to share information in a range of ways. Children are encouraged to continually link knowledge back to our place in the world.
Our lessons are designed to build upon prior knowledge, checking what children already know and deepening their understanding. Children are encouraged to use a range of resources, such as maps, globes, observations and the internet, to aid their learning. Inflatable globes are used for games, ensuring learning is fun, engaging and hands on.
Children use the resources Digimaps to map routes to school trips, helping the children to understand their place in the world. Trips and fieldwork give the children first hand experiences which help to develop skills and knowledge taught within the classroom environment.